Skills, training and staff

Picture of Adrian O'Neill

Meet Adrian

I focus on helping York and North Yorkshire businesses build a skilled and engaged workforce through 1-1 support on email, over the phone and in person. From workforce development to recruitment and Leadership and Management training, I’m here to address your needs.

With my diverse background including teaching and working with disadvantaged groups, I understand a range of business needs. I’m committed to bridging skills gaps, providing effective solutions, and connecting you with the right training providers.

Together, let’s establish long-term skills development plans, steering clear of short-term fixes. Whether it’s navigating Apprenticeships or simplifying opportunities, I’m here to guide you.

What do you want to learn about?

Developing and recruiting the right staff is a critical part of any business, as the success and growth of a company hinges on the quality of its workforce. Effective recruitment and training is essential for building a talented, engaged, and adaptable team that can drive your business forward. Our guidance below will help you put the right policies and processes in place to help you attract the right talent and let them thrive as part of your business.

Become the leader you want to be


How to get your advertising and processes set up to bring the right people into your business.

Bring new talent to your business


Your sector doesn’t stand still, so make sure you and your employees are getting the training they need.

Access training and develop skills

Managing employees

How can you help your employees develop and grow, while motivating them to bring their best to their job?

Give employees the support they need


We hear a lot about mentoring, but what are the benefits for those both receiving and providing the mentoring

Find out more about mentoring

Horizon Scanning: Four questions social enterprises need to answer

With so much going on in the present, it’s not always easy to look to the future. However, the identification of potential risks and opportunities is vital to the long-term health of any business, and social enterprises are no different. Horizon scanning helps in assessing whether you are adequately prepared for future changes or threats.
