York, North Yorkshire and East Riding employers urged not to miss out on free skills training

Employers across York, North Yorkshire and East Riding are being reminded that it’s their last chance to take advantage of free training and support through the Skills Support for the Workforce (SSW) Programme before the it ends in March 2023.

Since the SSW programme began in April 2019, 588 businesses and 2,030 employees have been upskilled through bespoke, flexible training designed to fill their individual skills gaps, increase productivity and encourage business growth.

Following completion of the training, 98% of employers surveyed said that they would recommend SSW to other businesses and 92% agreed that the training has resulted in improvements in key areas of their business.

Several employers also reported an increase in turnover, including one employer feeding back that they expected to see a £60k increase in year one of the business.

The training is delivered by Calderdale College working in partnership with specialist local and regional training providers and is made possible through funding from the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).

Helen Howland, Head of the Skills Support for the Workforce Programme in York, North Yorkshire and East Riding, said: “No matter what sector you operate in, skills training is proven to bring a whole host of benefits to your business. Whether you want to boost employee morale, introduce additional revenue streams or enter into new markets, our specialist providers will work with you to identify the training solution that will best help your business to achieve its goals. Best of all, we’ll do it completely free of charge!

“We appreciate how difficult it can be for businesses at the moment, so we want to urge them not to miss out on this fantastic opportunity to build resilience, boost their reputations and ultimately support the regional economy by driving inward investment throughout York, North Yorkshire and Tees Valley.”

The Skills Support for the Workforce Programme is supported by the York & North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership.

Andrew Leeming, Head of Strategy at York & North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership, said: “Skills Support for the Workforce continues to be a hugely valuable service, giving local people the expertise they need to succeed and our businesses the ability to grow and create more good-quality jobs. The testimonials speak for themselves, and I’d call on any firm that has identified skills gaps to take advantage of the programme before it’s too late.”

The SSW programme is co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) – an EU established fund to help local areas stimulate economic development through skills and job creation. It includes team working and vocational qualifications and technical skills support, as well as specialised courses across the region’s key priority sectors, including: Bioeconomy, Food Manufacturing, Construction, Engineering, Voluntary and Community, Visitor Economy and Health and Social Care.

To apply for free training through the Skills Support for the Workforce Programme, get in touch: https://ssw.fundingunit.org.uk/contact-us/.

For further information on skills programmes and support, visit our Skills Hub or contact us today.

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